Include the specific activities you have planned and attach any handouts related to them to the lesson plan. Adults Speaking Activities: 5 ESL Shopping Roleplays for Teens and Adults One of the most popular and useful ESL games teenagers enjoy for practice speaking are roleplays. josephviele has one repository available. . Full-time position available for Go Teacher: What time do you have Breakfast? Check them out below. It's suitable for any class size over 4 students and requires minimal preparation. 9 Follow-up Activities for Reading Passages 1 Retell the Story A simple follow-up activity for any reading passage is having your students retell the story. Silent Movie. Prof. and Head at L.A.D College Advertisement Slideshows for you Qwizdom UK Jw day 3 (unit 4) Angala Maria Follow-on Activities - Materials In this space, insert any materials you would use: e.g., visual aids, worksheets, what you would write on the board, etc. Each statement should start "Find someone who" For example, "Find someone who takes the bus to school". 2) Vocabulary Revision Games Question formation. In the previous post, we laid out the guidelines for how to start your lesson the right way: a lead-in.. Here are a few TEFL activities I've used in my time. After they have finished, have them listen and make notes on parts that they felt they could do better. If you have a classroom of reluctant writers, you might want to kick things off with a group exercise. Interview Pop 2. Dr. Vandana Pathak Follow Asso. Time: 25 minutes +. 6. two or three of each. Include up to three practice activities, sequencing them from most to least structured, slowly giving the students more freedom. This will change the Status of your original Activity to 'Complete' (setting the Completed Date to today) and will automatically open a new Activity record. Make Up New Words. Have students record a story or their thoughts on a specific topic that you've selected. Scan Reading - Picking out only the specific information they need from a text. In this stage, students have done a pre-listening activity, participated in a few while-listening tasks, and they are ready to move on to something else. 3 WikiHow Management. Divide students into groups so that they can . Using cartoons and comic strips Cartoons and comic strips can be used from beginner level to advanced level for a variety of language and discussion activities. Preparation, 2. Other - Tefl academy - assignment c (follow-up activities) 4. Don't reinvent the wheel. Most students, especially those that are much younger, will grow tired of listening to the same person speaking for an hour. First you'll need to rearrange the classroom a bit, if you're able to in your teaching environment. Timed Discussion Here are a few grammar activities and techniques that you could use in the language classroom. This is a variation on the game above. 2 TechCrunch 2008 This launch window provides an interesting possibility for a follow-on activity at the end of the primary mission, as it is the most propellant-efficient trajectory calculated. Of course not! Make a class list of the new words and their definitions. If you find the free materials useful and want complete access to all of our teaching resources, you should consider becoming a member. Challenge the class to use the words in everyday conversation. These modules will serve to brush up on your grammatical knowledge . Guess Who or What I Am 4. To help you give your students the best possible learning experience, we've put together a list of 6 creative writing activities for the ESL classroom. Other - Tefl academy - assignment c (authentic text) 3. To play, simply show the video in class. Polysemy (/ p l s m i / or / p l s i m i /; from Greek: -, pol-, "many" and , sma, "sign") is the capacity for a sign (e.g. This is a very simple activity that can be great fun for your students. 5 - Board Games. The students will create daily routines for themselves, using the sample board as a guide. elementary+ Animal Adventures Songs for All Typical Day When You Turn Off the Light Vocabulary Cards pre-intermediate+ Anecdote Try and elicit from the students which countries the pictures refer to. Ask each student to make up a new word and a definition. This 'should have/ shouldn't haver' speaking activity helps students develop accuracy in the use of the structure should have + past participle. Write-a- conversation exercises work really well for many topics including routines and daily activities. Talk About Your Weekend 9. Divide the class into two teams and have two chairs at the front of the class, set up to face away from the board. Exploitation, 5. Never fear- you can still follow the principles outlined in our last post while mixing things up a bit with some specific techniques. Two students from the same team sit back to back, one facing the TV screen and the other facing away from the screen. Divide the class into groups of between 5-10 (this depends on the size of your class) get them to stand in a line and give the first person a piece of paper with a sentence/ phrase written on it they then have to whisper it to the next person and so on. For this comprehension activity, you will need two jigsaw puzzles consisting of around 20 pieces each. They note down any interesting answers. Tell the class to open their eyes. 1 Conversation and dialogue exercises: routines and daily activities example. Write five sentences on the board that are linked to your current topic. Activity 1: Daily Routines Guessing Game This video is one of Games4esl's popular 'Hidden Picture' style games to practice making English sentences about daily activities. 4 Roommate Interview This is similar to the exercise above but it is using the verb "to be" and further expands students knowledge of adjectives. Activity 1: Chinese Whispers Everyone loves a game of Chinese Whispers! Follow their code on GitHub. Didacticism is a philosophy that emphasizes instructional and informative qualities in literature, art, and design. The students could then listen to the song and check their answers. THE TEFL ACADEMY 2020 ASSIGNMENT C, ACTIVITIES written by misterbee The Marketplace to Buy and Sell . This ESL writing activity follows on from the board work. TEFL Roadmap will be followed to carry out the project activities, which fall under these types: 1. There should be a natural flow from the intensity of a guided reading lesson, a time for follow-up and further study of that text, followed by a personal reading programme for mileage - a chance to practice and habitualise the . Prepositions. 1. Pretend to be that character on the card. TEFL Academy - Assignment C (Bundle) 1. (P.S. There is a teacher copy, including teacher's notes, and a student copy available . Troublesome Grammar. Routine quiz Students answer questions about their daily routine. I always get the students to perform just for me not in front of the they are more relaxed and I get a close up and personal look at their performance. Students are placed in pairs and ask each other any questions they like. SHOULDN'T go on and on for ever. Your class should have studied the structure prior to doing this activity. Getting accreditation from or through TEFL or teaching English as a Foreign Language provides a certain amount of weight and authority to just about any resume. List of Grammar Games Grammar Games. Cut out the lyrics into separate lines. Procedure . The context of the proposal was the design of an educational geography computer game, utilizing QR Codes and Google Earth for teaching English Language to Greek Primary School students. [1] [2] [3] In art, design, architecture, and landscape, didacticism is an emerging conceptual approach that is driven by the urgent need to explain. The students will check for details and clues in the text to answer several questions. This browser is not fully supported, we would recommend you upgrade your browser to a newer version of Internet Explorer or download Chrome, Firefox or Safari. TEFL teacher . View Stuvia-665382-the-tefl-academy-2020-assignment-c-activities.pdf from ENG 5 at Seneca College. Table Of Contents 1. Then discuss where your character is from and one thing you know about that country. Detective Reading. 1. Follow-on Activity. This is an excellent activity as a "warmer' to introduce at the beginning of a TEFL lesson. 6. 4: The teacher works hard to ensure that as many activities as possible focus on interaction in the classroom with this interaction being both the means and the goal of learning the language. Then, they record the story again. 1. Speaking Lesson Plan. Level: B1 - B2. This kind of lesson allows a logical sequence from one activity to the next leading to a pre-determined objective. Implementation, 4. Whatever your reason for teaching with no lesson plan, these adults speaking activities will be an absolute lifesaver for any TEFL teacher whenever you have no lesson plan. Board games can be utilized in all levels of ESL classes, but they are particularly good production activities for both vocabulary and grammar lessons for the beginning levels. This particular lesson plan was designed to help students practice using the present simple to talk about their daily routines using a loose TTT structure and then teaching from a short text. Have each student write his or her word and definition on a Post-It, and put the Post-It in the appropriate place in the dictionary. However, you can try and search for blank puzzles, or create your own puzzle - whatever suits you best. Sentence Scrabble Students are given words and have to arrange them into grammatically correct sentences. They can be used with all levels because the language required to communicate is determined by the students. Alex Case. Polysemy is distinct from homosemy, where a word has a single meaning. Begin by asking for the other person's name and introducing yourself. Detective Reading is a simple reading exercise to give your students practice in intensive reading. (Download PDF) 5 Personality Adjective Survey Higher Level Activities (ages 5+) Click here to download. To start the game, give 1 different card to 5 students and let them go in front. Group Story Writing. 1 - Either/Or Good for both vocabulary and grammar lessons, Either/Or activities give the students two options to complete a sentence. Advanced Level Activities . Why TEFL Accreditation is a Great Idea September 30, 2012 TEFL accreditation can be a great idea for just about any language learning institution and any language teacher. The statements can be based on sentence stems, key words, and . It's also a great way to help your students learn key words. Word Racing 3. STAGE, AIMS & PROCEDURES: Warmer - to introduce the topic; setting the scene Show the students some pictures of Argentina and Thailand. It is a great first activity, when scaffolding. Part 2.1 Three follow up activities for exploiting the authentic text with advanced students a) A dictionary activity (see Unit 2), . Tell the rest of the class to close their eyes or put their heads down. This is a fun one that can be used as a main activity or as a warm-up to a lesson. This activity is great both as a TEFL warmer and to get students talking to each other during a vocabulary lesson. Gist Reading - Skimming text for general meaning and tone. The 5 students you chose will quietly put their card on other students' desks and then come back to the front. Video Talk 8. But starting every single lesson the exact same way will can still get old fast. 3. In this paper an educational design proposal is presented which combines two well established teaching approaches, that of Game-based Learning (GBL) and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Make sure you provide feedback, guidance, and correction as they work. The level of detail it contains, and whether it is mainly in your head or mainly on paper, will vary depending on your training and experience, the type of class (one-to-one classes often have a much more fluid plan, for example) and the time that you have available to plan. The following activities are designed to get everyone talking. Sometimes More Than Sometimes. These modules will cover the basics of TEFL teaching and prepare you to stand on your own two feet in the classroom. It was designed as a demo class for trainees during the first week of the course. Hot seat This is a great activity that can be used as a warm-up at the beginning of a class, or as a game at the end of a lesson. Their partner tries to guess if the statement is true or not, perhaps after follow-up questions. So in this post I have put together some activities that have helped me to improve my students' reading level, broken down into 3 categories. Divide the class into pairs or teams, depending on the number in the class. Break the students into pairs or small groups, and have each group write a script in English that uses either a theme or target language from the lesson that your class has just completed. The teacher plays a short movie clip with the sound turned off and . There are 10 pictures of daily activities hidden behind colored shapes. Ask students if any of them have visited either of these countries. Discussion: Speed-dating Style! It's also a really personal and quite funny exercise as students have to asses their partners/friends as possible roommates. For practice with troublesome grammatical structures, have an assortment of dittoed multiple-choice and filling-the-blank exercises in the following areas: Verb Tenses. 1. 1 TechCrunch With increased investor confidence, follow-on activity remains equally strong. Never bore your students again! Having divided the students into small groups, you can challenge them to see which group is able to place them in the correct order the fastest. Men and women stations The teacher or one of the students says a family relations word like "mother-in-law" or "grandfather", and students run and touch the right wall if it is a female word or the left wall if it is a male word. The teacher should have predicted any possible problems . Critical thinking (CT) has generally been known as one of the core competencies of the 21st-century skills that students need to acquire to succeed in today's world. Job Description: Taipei cityPublic Primary SchoolFull-time English teacher position We are looking for a full time English teacher. How-to Presentation 6. This kind of activity is a useful way to break the ice at the beginning of a language course and allows the students to get to know one another. Ideas for teaching business English and young learners, articles on theory and methodology and more. 5 Action-packed Discussion Activities for Your Advanced ESL Students 1. Every TEFL lesson needs a plan. Isabelle's Top 10 TEFL Games and Activities - Premier TEFL Open: Mon-Thu 9am-8pm Fri 9am-5pm (GMT) Call (415) 800-3961 Isabelle's Top 10 TEFL Games and Activities by Premier TEFL Teaching & Classroom Tips Trending Articles These are games that I used nearly every week and in my tutoring lessons, too! Definitions lists This activity is good for activating existing vocabulary or revising vocabulary studied in previous lessons. Never stress during lesson planning again! This works best with four or six answers, i.e. Include student activities during your presentations One of the things that many teachers do wrong is just present the lesson content without stopping. A student makes half their answers more often than reality and half their answers less often than reality, and then their partners have to guess which is which. Battleship What you'll need Move around the class asking the students questions about their routines. You will probably need an entire class to complete this activity, making it an ideal "follow-up" at the end of a chapter or a unit of study. [3] Involving a group of Indonesian teachers of English, this study aims to explore the teachers' initial conceptions of critical thinking as reflected in their . Polysemy is distinct from . Preparation Find a text which is of suitable length and level for your class. Comparative and superlative lying games. The reading programme shouldn't be dominated by follow-up activities. Give each student a piece of paper. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Dictionaries can be used effectively in the ESL classroom set up to facilitate language learning and acquisition. Many of these are classic activities used around the world wherever people teach languages. Other - Tefl academy - assignment c (handouts for debate activity) 1) Crossword Puzzles These always come in handy for when you finish early and students love them, you can create your own crossword puzzles online and just print them out for your class! Letter by letter revealing text This is similar to the game above and played with the same kind of text, but with students having to guess the next letter each time instead of the next word. They may be given some time beforehand to prepare some questions. 4. Depending on the class size and level of your students, lessons should take between 60 and 90 minutes. Development, 3. Resources, activities, lesson plans and ideas for the TEFL classroom. Each lesson plan contains suggested board work, several low-prep classroom activities and a game. a symbol, a morpheme, a word, or a phrase) to have multiple related meanings.For example, a word can have several word senses. The following twenty activities are great options for practice activities! They are designed for use as a warmer or a filler in the middle or at the end of a class. Living Memory 7. Browse through my list of games and activities designed to make your lessons fun and enjoyable. Less noisy versions include jumping right or . Essay - Tefl academy - assignment c (evaluation ) 2. In this final installment of this series of articles, I'm going to share ten different activities that you can use in the post-listening stage. Students make true and false statement like "My garden is the messiest in my neighbourhood" and "My father is balder than my grandfather". Ten Post-Listening Activities. Lower Level Games (ages 3+) Click here to download. They can be extremely valuable in introducing dynamism and reinforcing the points that you, the teacher, have taught. In the example, which follows, we will look at a speaking lesson plan which has been prepared around what students like best and least about friends. Activities used will include role play, interviews, games, activities and pair work. 7. Fun practice activities for family vocabulary. If you're not quite sure where to start, at least think of the the three "Ps": Presentation, Practice, Production. You will need only the backs of those puzzles to write one word of a small story per each piece. Following is a "Lesson . If you still need that TEFL certificate, International TEFL Academy will help you out!) Make sure to follow the methods you learned or the ones that your school director gives you. 2. The following activities are relatively short, with minimal materials preparation time for the teacher. You can read 8 examples of how to introduce yourself here. So now you know what a lead-in is and why every lesson needs one. This TEFL speaking activity can be done during class time, but it works especially well as a homework assignment. You can ask follow-up questions like "Where is he going?" or "Why do you think he is laughing?" Variation Aside from having learners describe the photo, you can also ask them to create a story, make assumptions, or come up with predictions based on what they see in the pictures. I may have underestimated some of the timings of the tasks but students . They don't need much preparation, but will get your students talking and help them to hone their conversational skills without even thinking about it. Activity 1: Introduce Yourself You and your child pick a card and start to role-play. To attain this goal, teachers undoubtedly have a critical role to play. Teaching English in Resorts and Hotels around the World; Why TEFL Educator ? You can put as much preparation into the activity as you like, either leaving students to their own creative devices or providing props for them to use in the retelling. It enlists certain dictionary activities to be carried out in the classroom. Would you rather 5. Encourage students to relate their personal experiences where relevant. If you use images, do not use more than 6. There are modules on language - grammar and vocabulary - and teaching - theories and methods. To create a Follow-on Activity simply click the dropdown next to the Complete button and choose the relevant follow-on Activity Type. Your online TEFL course will consist of a number of modules. To communicate is determined by the students or at the end of a small story per each piece have. Reading is a teacher copy, including teacher & # x27 ; s name and introducing yourself to. Single lesson the exact same way will can still get old fast to. Listen and make notes on parts that they felt they could do. 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